Sunday, August 7, 2011

Not My Will, But Thine

Ian with Matt,  my cousin who also has congenital heart disease
and has gone on to serve a mission,  marry,  and become a father.

It's not hard to know what to write about today.  There was a line in a testimony today that really hit a sour note with me--didn't make me mad,   just made me want to say something.  This is my forum.  This way I won't hurt any feelings or hit a sour note for anyone else.

The man was saying how thankful he was for the priesthood and how important it is--TRUE.  Then he said it's great that people, can be healed by priesthood blessings--through their faith.  I looked around the room and thought of all the people that should have been there--except they weren't healed.  Let me give their names:
Carol Tulua, 
Sherry Cherry, 
Ian Gleason,  
Mae Wright,  
Annette Webster, 
Ernestine Blakes, 
Victoria Figuera. 
I'm thinking there should be more,  well, there are more, 
Bob Fleckenstein and 
Mary Murdock,
but I didn't know them personally and can't account for their faith.  The first group though,   all had enough faith to overcome anything that was ever put in front of them.  I'm sure of it.

Here's my take:  God's will trumps faith.  If He wants people to be healed and live on this earth and fulfill more of their earthly purpose, then they can be healed through their faith and the faith of those blessing and praying for them.  If He wants them home with Him, then they return,  regardless of how much faith is exercised in trying to keep them here.  Period.

That is not to say that lives have not been lengthened by priesthood blessings and prayers.  I personally think we had bonus time with Ian.   Time given by a loving Heavenly Father,   perhaps according to faith.  Not enough time.   I've heard my father tell the story of giving my grandfather a blessing every day for many days after he had a heart atttack--a blessing  that he would live.  Those blessings were  honored.  But on the day that followed when a blessing wasn't given,  God took the my granfather and His will prevailed.  That was quite a lesson for my Dad. 

I think sometimes when we have miracles before us,  we give ourselves more credit than we should.  God is in charge.  He giveth and He taketh away.   It's up to us to have faith either way and know that it's our job to submit to His will.   Not every story has a testimony meeting ending.

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