Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August is Officially Over

Today was one of those days--a day when I thought I was being a good person.  How come it's those days when getting crapped on is so much more painful?  Sometimes no matter what you do, it's never going to be enough.

It's days like today when I really hope God has an eye on me.

I refused to take a gift from a friend--paid her for it because she needs the money.
I listened to someone tell me how hard it is to believe his son is now a junior in high school--yeah, that was especially fun!
I told someone I'd like an opportunity to apologize even though I can't for the life of me figure out what I've done wrong.
Let's just say, it wasn't an easy day.

All I'm supposed to care about is that God knows I'm a good person, right? 
That stinks.

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