Monday, May 9, 2011


See the little specks way down in the bottom--those are trucks hauling the dirt out.

We had quite an extended weekend the last 6 days.  I didn't really know what to say about it until I sat down.  It was full of some really good times.  Lucy's favorite part was shooting grandpa's 22 pistols.  She got to play pool for the first time too.  Mikey and Grandpa and I went for a hike on the hill, and Keith got to search through a used  book store.

We saw friends we haven't seen for years; witness a beautiful wedding; and spend rare time with my brother and his family.  We even visited some church sites we hadn't seen before and hit the zoo for an afternoon.  All these things were relatively pleasurable, but when I sat down in my kitchen tonight, it dawned on me what a profound choice I had made as the one thing I wanted to do on Mother's Day.

I wanted to visit Kennecott Copper, also known as the Bingham Canyon Mine.  I heard about it a year ago after my niece and nephew went and then saw a reference to it in the AAA magazine.  I didn't know the significance when I told everyone that this outing would be my alternative to going to church this one Sunday.  You see, it's the biggest hole mankind has ever put on this earth.  It's recognizable from space.  It's so big that the measurements are incomprehensible.  Even the trucks that haul the dirt out of it weigh 600 tons--before they're loaded. 

Can you see the man standing next to the back tire?

I could go on and on and describe every detail of the tour and the film we saw.  I could say that we got souvenirs at the gift shop.  All I really want to say is that the hole in my Mother's Day was every bit as big as this mine.  I couldn't possibly have come up with a more fitting place to go and I didn't even realize it. 

I'm sure the hole in our family can be seen from the heavens too.

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