Sunday, May 15, 2011

Many are Called

I heard a man give a talk today that really got me thinking.  I have to say I don't really remember what the subject was supposed to be because it sent my mind in it's own direction.  He mentioned the scripture in Matthew 22:14  "For many are called, but few are chosen."  --said he heard somebody say it's really "many are called, but few are obedient."

Here's my version:  "Many are called, but few have chosen to listen and obey."    I'm a horrible listener--at least to directions.  I like to do things my way and in my time.  I like things to be my idea.  The Spirit knows that.  I have to be told some things 20 times before I get the message--more than that if it's something I don't want to hear or can't understand.  Wow, that sounds awful when I actually type out the words.  I wonder what message I would heed or have heeded on the very first hearing?  I'll have to think about that.

I think this little edited Bible verse might really make a difference in my life.  It puts the onus on me to be chosen.  I have something to do with getting picked for "God's team".  Don't we all want to be chosen by God--for something, anything that He might be able to trust us with.  Sometimes we just sit back and wait, when we should be preparing and learning and serving without being given a specific responsibility.

This another one of those times when obedience is the answer.  This is a time when what we show God is as important as what he shows us.  Ooh, that's another little gem there.

This  verse also makes me think of  phones.  How many times am I called and I just choose to let it go to voice mail?  Sometimes I even check to see who it is and then decide I don't want to hear anything that  person has to say today.  Do I do that when the Spirit calls?  Maybe, sometimes.  Wouldn't it be great if the phone would ring and the caller ID would say "heaven 911".  I'd pull off the road to take that call, right?  More thinking.

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