Sunday, June 10, 2012

He Never Disappoints

I heard a great talk  today.  President Pond's talks are always great.  I love him.
He titled the talk Feel Where You  Kneel--a prequel to Elder Uchtdorf's  Lift Where You Stand.  He said before we  spiritually lift we must kneel.  He spoke about the places he was when he got answers--the memories of those places, those times.  There were some good ones.
He encouraged us to do the same.  He said when we have special spiritual experiences we need to:
1  Remember it.
2  Write it down.
3  Retell it to our children or friends if it is appropriate.
4  Reacquire--get that feeling, that peace again and build on it.

Today I will remember 3 experiences and record them the best I can.

I was on the creaky metal bottom bunk in a tiny apartment in Hong Kong with a gorgeous view of the harbor out my window when I received an answer about marrying Keith.  I know, I know, why was I praying about that on my mission?  Because it was important, that's why.
I remember him asking about my answer and describing it to him as just not being able to quit smiling, even while I was praying, before I opened my eyes.
We were sitting in Keith's little black GEO Storm under a shade tree outside the Oakland temple when I told him we couldn't come back any more until we changed our time frame on having a baby.  It was Ian's time to come to earth.  I didn't know at the time how critical his timing would be to have the right medical procedures in place to keep him with us.

I was at youth conference at BYU when I was told that the only way I could make the voice in my head  (yes, I know how that sounds, but there's no other way to describe it) stop telling me that the wasn't a God.  I knew--knew if I got the nerve to stand and bear witness that there was a God in heaven, that I would finally have peace.  That time--weeks or months was so frightening to me I haven't ever really told anyone about it.  Maybe Keith, I don't remember.  I can't imagine why I didn't tell my parents and get some help.

There are many things in my life, big things, I don't remember praying about.  There are things I did pray about and the answer came directly from the scriptures.  Maybe I'm a words not feelings kind of person.   I don't know.

These days I pray less frequently than I should.  It's still hard.  I think I can feel that prayers from others have subsided.  I don't feel carried anymore.   I'm sure they are carrying others.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Mine are still with you.