Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dips into the Memory Bank

General Conference was outstanding for me this weekend.  There were many things I needed to hear.  One thing that 2 speakers references that made me smile was:  "succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees."--D&C 35:5

Why would this make me smile? 
This is the subject of the talk given the first time I ever sat with Keith in church.  I have a precise recollection of it.  We were meeting in a science lecture hall at BYU.  There was a white board behind the speaker and the rows of chairs went up the stairs from where the podium was.  I wasn't expecting to sit with Keith that day.  We weren't dating or anything--we didn't date!  He was just my carpool buddy who I knew I would marry.  The reason I remember it so vividly is because the girl who gave the talk was someone Keith dated a time or 2 and she was staring at me the entire time.  You know the look.  That, what the heck? Who is that girl?  Why is he sitting there? look.

It also makes me smile because that same girl decided, after I left for Hong Kong, that Keith was destined to be with her and stalked him and his entire family for months and told everyone she was going to marry him.  It's funny that you can access that kind of memory during a general authority's talk, but so entertaining.

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