Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweaters and Superheroes

Everyone who ever heard of a superhero knows that they all have alter egos.  They can't just go around in their cape all the time.  My superhero liked to wear Christmas sweaters.  It was getting pretty hard to find sweaters that looked like Christmas in the size 16-18 range.  I guess most boys that size have decided loving Christmas isn't cool anymore.  Not Ian.  He decided what was cool for himself and didn't really care what anybody thought.  I found some this year.  The first time I saw them I left the store crying, but I went back and got some.

I wanted our tree to be a tribute to my superhero this year and the family agreed it would be a good idea.   With a few eye hooks (70+), we made our tree a showplace of memories.  It looks fantastic.

Many of the action figures are without a hand or foot.  Shrek is without his ears--as is Jar Jar Binks. 

The paint is coming off of Batman and Poison Ivy. 

Napoleon Dynamite looks a little funny without the tether ball pole and only one Harry Potter still has his glasses.

Stitch is Ian's nickname at Heart Camp, so we had to include him too,  along with Mrs. Finster and each of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

We couldn't bear the thought of having Christmas without Ian this year, so we found a way to put him right in the middle of it.  One of his favorite questions to ask everyone he met was, "Batman or Superman?  Who's better?"  He told us the reason Batman was better was that Superman was born with all his powers, but Batman had to come up with them on his own and make do with what he had.  That's my son--come up with a way to make what you are given super!

At his funeral, his friend, Pres. Pond told of all of Ian's superpowers and how he used them to touch people.  I know he is still touching and teaching people, but I wish he was here touching me.

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