Life can be like a rope. Sometimes we feel things are slipping. We don’t have control. We are not as strong as we would like to be. There are times when we are tired and want to let go.
Those are the times that we need to be extra vigilant and tie a knot in our rope—take a stand and hold on. The knots we tie make it a lot easier to not slide backward and have to regain ground.
I’ve said for years that there are times when all we can do is not let go. I was referencing the iron rod, but it applies here. Sometimes I’m not strong enough to do every right thing. Sometimes I don’t have the perfect answer to the question or the energy to serve, but I always have the determination to not let go of the gospel.
I’m not saying this very well. I don’t have a specific example. I just think it’s a great visual—a rope with knots in it. It makes me think of boys in a big gymnasium trying to get to the top and ring the bell.
I want to get to the top and ring the bell someday and say I didn’t give up; I didn’t let go.
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